The RCHS Tiger Cheerleaders represent the school while participating in High Five Fridays at the elementary school.
The College & Careers Class had the opportunity to meet with Lauren McClain at Runyon’s Insurance to continue their conversation about creativity and critical thinking in the workplace. Lauren challenged the students with a real-life work situation she encountered and had the students explain how they would handle it.
Mark your calendars for the Open House at the Early Learning Center!
Marching Tigers competed in Monticello on Saturday, September 16th. They received 3rd place. Drum Major, Emma Wells, received 1st in Class 2A.
Ms. Marriott led her Spanish class in drawing on Friday. They were reading for understanding in the target language - where students listened and read the story, then pull out an idea. One partner writes a line from the story and the other partner has to illustrate it.
Congratulations to Aaron Klingler with a hole-in-one on #12 during the match at Richland Golf Club on Wednesday, September 13th.
OTN Hairball winners!
Richland County School District is confronting bullying head-on. SRO Brad Ameter, along with building administration and counselors, have been working to develop a way for students to advocate for themselves without the pressure of the "what if". Oftentimes, students fear to come forward about an incident because they do not want to draw attention to themselves. By scanning the QR code on the flyer, (that will be distributed in each building in multiple locations) students can anonymously report an act of bullying. Once this has been reported, an email will automatically be sent to all building administration, as well as SRO Ameter and building counselors.
If you have been in the RCHS Student Commons area you may have noticed a new quilt hanging from the balcony. The quilt was made by last year's 3rd quarter Fashion Design class to be raffled off at the last home football game of the 2023-24 season on October 16th against Casey-Westfield. Buy a ticket from Mrs. West directly or at select home football & volleyball games. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.
This quarter's Fashion Design class will be making another quilt that will be raffled off at the last home Basketball game. If you have any shirts you would like to be included in the quilt we are taking donations now. They can be any size, or color and can even be in less-than-perfect condition. As long as they are part of OTN they can be included.
Mr. Powell and Mr. Duenas’s students used the microscopes to view various cell types and learn the difference between plant and animal cells.
The College & Careers Class continued their discussion on collaboration by visiting the Ginger Ale’s Franchising Corporate Office. Lauren Hill and Mariah Inyart did a wonderful job explaining their roles, the company, and all the ways that franchising encompasses collaboration. The students even collaborated to design a new creative drink!
Future teachers had the opportunity to tour the new Early Childhood Learning Center today. These students will soon begin their teacher training in elementary and middle school classrooms and will get to experience the role of a teacher.
Mr. Kinkade and Ms. Tungate’s Advanced Agriculture Mechanics class learned more about how John Deere technicians diagnose and fix problems, as well as interpersonal skills for all employees. Thanks to Alliance Tractor in Newton for having us!
The College & Career class studied the value of volunteer work for personal growth and community support. Today was the first Friday of the semester that they ventured out to conduct volunteer work at a location of their choice.
Mrs. Carol Potter, St. Joe Principal, speaks with RCHS Future Teachers about the ongoing need nationwide for great teachers. Mrs. Potter gave the students a tour of the facility and encouraged them to really consider teaching as a career option.
The Spanish 1 classes decided to take advantage of the nice weather and went outside to do some running dictation. The runner ran to the page and ran back to the group to dictate (in Spanish) what was on the tag page. The scribe wrote down what was said (in Spanish). They even ran in Spanish by doing a little skip before running. Mr. Brown came in the middle and wanted his picture taken.
Last Friday, RCHS Co-op students were busy writing their professional business letters as well as enjoying the beautiful weather outside. All week students have been practicing on improving their oral and written communication skills. They have learned that strong communication skills are needed for them to be a good employee or business owner.
RCHS Co-op students are working hard to understand payroll and the federal and state tax system. These seniors spend part of their day in school and also work after school or during school hours in a paid job or internship. They are quickly learning about life in the real world.
SRO Ameter helps Jashun McKinley with his tie on the first Football Friday away game of the year.
College and Careers class just completed their unit on Personality Discovery. Students presented their results today. We discovered that we have a room full of future teachers, medical professionals, and engineers! “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” - Aristotle